From the guys that brought you the internet, pasties from the pasty shop in the union and Claudio Ranieri. This isn't Sparta, it's 247.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Squontology; Advanced Ontology of Squalor

Foreground Squalor - fs

Background Squalor - bs

Start point, ‘normal’ - n

At n fs + bs = 0

At each clean, what is cleaned is fs, what is not cleaned, yet is still squalor, becomes bs. So after first clean, if no bs is accumulated, if however there has been an alteration, n shifts to n1, n1=n+bs1. If after the first clean the level of bs does not change n2=n+bs1, if however it increases n2=n+bs2. Level of background squalor may decrease or increase, taking in elements of fs, or losing them, however it is very unlikely that it will ever return to 0, thus returning to n.

The process by which bs becomes bs is through 'normalisation' whereby it is no longer identified squalor, the inhabitant of the property mistakenly believes they are still at n.

Essay Question:

'Is not the most nefarious squalor that which does not permit itself to be viewed as squalor?' Discuss.

Acknowledgements: Sisqo, Bollywood, Andy H

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